In this project, our objective is to investigate the impact of periostin on global gene expression in chondrocytes. Chondrocytes will be exposed to recombinant periostin, and RNA-seq analysis will be performed to examine the expression of genes both up-regulated and down-regulated in response to periostin treatment.

Application deadline

UAE Undergrauate Student
Khalifa University Student



Required Documents

Please ensure that the following documents are consolidated into a single PDF formatted file

  • Cover letter, detailing your interest in the position and why you would be a suitable candidate.
  • Your CV.
  • A university transcript

Your application will not be considered complete without all required documentation. Please note that all required documents should be in a single PDF formatted file and should follow this file name structure "Last name_First name" (e.g., Smith_Jill.pdf).

Submit File(s) to uploads

Please upload a single PDF file.

Please note your application will

not be considered complete without all

required documentation.