This project aims at developing a new Cr-coating technique on Zr alloy cladding. To protect the Zr alloy substrate and improve the oxidation resistance of cladding during severe accidents, it is desirable to apply Cr-coating to both of the outer and inner surface of Zr alloy cladding tube. In this project, study the characteristics of the different type of fuel assemblies adapted in APR-1400 design and 2D core to perform preliminary neutronics analyses by utilizing deterministic and Monte Carlo methods for reference cladding and coated cladding materials.

Application deadline

UAE Undergrauate Student
Khalifa University Student



Required Documents

Please ensure that the following documents are consolidated into a single PDF formatted file

  • Cover letter, detailing your interest in the position and why you would be a suitable candidate.
  • Your CV.
  • A university transcript

Your application will not be considered complete without all required documentation. Please note that all required documents should be in a single PDF formatted file and should follow this file name structure "Last name_First name" (e.g., Smith_Jill.pdf).

Submit File(s) to uploads

Please upload a single PDF file.

Please note your application will

not be considered complete without all

required documentation.