The National Ambassadors Program 'Estedad' – an initiative of the UAE Ministry of Education – aims to enrich the capabilities of students in UAE high schools and prepare them to excel academically, gain insights in entrepreneurship, and engage in scientific research. This program targets high school students from grades 10 to 12, offering them a choice of three tracks: Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Enrichment, and Scientific Research at Khalifa University.

  • Innovation & Entrepreneurship: Encourages creative thinking and problem-solving.
  • Enrichment: Offers diverse learning experiences beyond the classroom.
  • Scientific Research: Cultivates a passion for scientific discovery.

Program Objectives:

  • Prepare recruits for postgraduate studies by providing the participants with relevant coursework
  • Strengthening the technical capabilities of UAE national engineers
  • Representation of the United Arab Emirates in international competitions
  • Involve in scientific research and publish findings in scientific forums

For more information, please visit the Estedad website:

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