Research Facilities

  • Digital Systems Lab:  The humankind is advancing faster technologically than ever before with the help of computers. The digital systems are everywhere, from your dishwasher and wristwatch to the Mars rovers, and everything in between. The Digital Systems Lab (DSL) at Khalifa University is a state-of-the-art laboratory dedicated to education and research in advanced digital systems design. The DSL supports the hardware needs of capstone projects for senior undergraduate students. The research portfolio of DSL spans projects in IoT communication, hardware security, edge computing, embedded intelligence, and medical wearables.
  • Embedded Systems and Real-time Imaging Lab

    In this lab, several research activities are conducted in the areas of real-time machine vision systems, smart sensors, and dedicated embedded systems. This includes hardware accelerators using at the edge using very powerful GPU and FPGA devices, next generation vision systems for autonomous vehicles, Real-time electrical tomography, Real-time e-skins, and multiphase flow measurements. Operational prototypes related to each of these activities were built along with several US patents and publications in Q1 journal papers.

  • Communication and Signal Processing: is concerned with the transmission, storage, and analysis of information signals.
  • Wireless Communication 6G