Dr. Sunil P. Lonkar

Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE


Nanohybrids of Two-Dimensional (2D) Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion Applications

Short Biography

Dr. Sunil P. Lonkar is the Senior Researcher of the Advanced Materials Research Center at the Technology Innovation Institute in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Prior to this assignment, Dr. Lonkar worked in several organizations in the area of R&D, including product development. He obtained his PhD in Chemistry from the National Chemical Laboratory in Pune (India) and was a visiting Ph.D. fellow at CNRS-LPMM (Clermont-Ferrand, France). Dr.Lonkar pursued his post-doctoral studies at the IPF-Dresden, Germany, and the UMONS, Belgium (Belspo-Marie-Curie Fellow). His career of over 10 years spans across research institutes such as the Petroleum Institute and Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi, UAE. His expertise and experience have been in the field of scalable preparation of nanostructured hybrids of 2D materials (Graphene, TMDs, Mxene, etc.) and other carbon-based materials for Energy Storage and Conversion Applications (Hybrid supercapacitors, batteries, and electrocatalysis). He has published over 40+ research articles in reputed international journals with 2475 citations.


To address the ever-increasing energy demand and simultaneous decarbonization efforts, the development of efficient electrochemical energy storage and conversion are currently critical challenges. Therefore, discovering novel materials to develop low-cost and more efficient energy storage technologies is urgently necessary. Among various novel materials, two-dimensional (2D) materials have attracted intensive research activities in multiple fields due to their remarkable properties, such as low cost, excellent chemical stability, facile fabrication, and significant electrochemical properties. The 2D materials having a higher surface-to-volume ratio are beneficial to developing low-cost and large-scale energy storage systems for practical applications. Herein, the scalable preparations of various 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) and their nanohybrids with carbon-based materials, especially 2D graphene, are discussed. Additionally, their applications as efficient electrodes for energy storage (supercapacitors) and energy conversion (electrocatalysis) were discussed in detail.

  • Lonkar et al., Scalable In Situ Synthesis of 2D–2D-Type Graphene-Wrapped SnS2 Nanohybrids for Enhanced Supercapacitor and Electrocatalytic Applications, 3 (2020), 4995-5005.
  • Lonkar et. al. Three dimensional (3D) nanostructured assembly of MoS2-WS2/Graphene as high-performance electrocatalysts, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (2020), 10475-10485.
  • Lonkar et.al. Synergistic effect of two-dimensional additives on carbon nanotube film electrodes towards high-performance all-solid-state flexible supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage 57 (2023), 106257.
