Dalaver H. Anjum

Department of Physics, Khalifa University, UAE


Electron Microscopy of Carbon Materials: Challenges and Opportunities

Short Biography

Dalaver H. Anjum received his PhD Degree in Physics from the University at Albany-Sate University of New York, Albany, New York, USA. Dr. Anjum has experience of working in both industry and academia. His main research interests include characterizing the fundamental and emergent properties of materials at nanoscales by using electron microscopes. Dr. Anjum’s research spans various fields of Materials Science & Engineering including 2d materials, electronics, catalysis, energy, solar cells, and water desalination.


Decarbonisation involves getting the carbon emission level to the environment to “net zero” and is proposed to be achieved in various ways such as energy efficiency, renewables, low-emissions fuels, and carbon capture technologies. Electron microscopy enables researchers to develop solutions related to these decarbonization related technologies. The solutions include distinguishing various types of carbon such as soot particles, amorphous, graphitized, and graphene. In this presentation, various modalities of a transmission electron microscope (TEM) are demonstrated to be capable of providing data on the nano- characterization of carbon-based materials from different fields including oil industry, water desalination, and organic solar cells [1, 2, 3, 4]. Figure 1 presents examples of TEM imaging and diffraction-based techniques to distinguish different types of carbon.

  • MN Al Shebli, A Raj, M Elkadi, DH Anjum, GDJ Pena, and A Prabhu, Fuel oxygenation as a novel method to reduce sooting propensity of fuels:, Fuel 324, 124562, (2022)
  • F Ravaux, S Medina, AR Behzad, H Zafar, A George, S Morin, N Ghaffour, and DH Anjum, Fuel 313, 122692, (2022).
  • S Anwer, DH Anjum, S Luo, Y Abbas, B Li, S Iqbal, and K Liao, Chemical Engineering Journal 406, 126827, (2020)
  • J Kosco, M Bidwell, H Cha, T Martin, CT Howells, M Sachs, DH Anjum, SG Lopez, L Zou, A Wadsworth, W Zhang, L Zhang, J Tellam, R Sougrat, F Laquai, DM DeLongchamp, JR Durrant, I McCulloch, Nature Materials, (2020)
