Research and Innovation Center on CO2 and Hydrogen (RICH)

Prof. Lourdes Vega Appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Molecular Liquids

November 18, 2019

Prof. Lourdes F. Vega, Professor of Chemical Engineering and the Director of the Research and Innovation Center on CO2 and Hydrogen (RICH Center) at KU, has been appointed as Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Molecular Liquids (MOLLIQ).

“I was approached by the publisher in one of the conferences I attended,” said Prof. Vega. “He proposed the position to me and explained in detail what the role was and the responsibilities that came with it. After considering, I accepted.”

Prof. Vega is an internationally recognized and leading authority in the area of molecular thermodynamics, clean energy and sustainability, and has played pivotal roles on international advisory academic and industrial boards. In 2019, Prof. Vega was also granted a golden visa as the UAE recognized and celebrated its talented and influential scientists and intellectuals. She will now be contributing her significant expertise to the journal, alongside Dr. Wolffram Shroer of Bremen University, Dr. Toshio Yamaguchi of Fukuoka University, and Dr. Artur J. M. Valente of the University of Coimbra.

The Journal of Molecular Liquids is a leading journal in the field of condensed matter physics, materials chemistry, atomic and molecular physics and optics, and electronic, optical and magnetic materials, published by Elsevier.
Being invited to join an editorial board, particularly as Editor-in-Chief, is a compliment. While there is plenty of prestige associated with being an editor of a respected journal, most editors are fueled by the desire to serve their community and further their field’s impact within the scientific community.

“I feel both excited and honored,” said Prof. Vega. “I think this is a great opportunity to help the scientific community I belong to, to have an impact in this area of research, promote high quality publications, and increase the international visibility and reputation of Khalifa University and the UAE as well.”

In addition to her new appointment, Prof. Vega also serves on the editorial board of five ISI journals and five international conference organizing committees. She has more than 200 publications, five patents and has raised more than $50 million in grants as chief investigator. The impact of her research has been internationally recognized by the reception of several prestigious awards, and she has made significant contributions in the development of molecular-based equations of state, CO2 capture and utilization, and alternative solvents, among many other fields.

It is the editor’s role to publish the best research and Prof. Vega will be looking out for experimental studies, computer simulations, and analytical theory that will contribute to the understanding of the fundamentals of molecular and ionic liquids to advance the field.

“Given my area of expertise and personal interest, works with an emphasis on clean energy, green solvents and sustainable processes and products will be especially welcomed,” said Prof. Vega.

Taking on the duties of an editor is an enormous undertaking, with Prof. Vega accepting responsibilities towards the authors providing the content of the journal, the peer reviewers commenting on the manuscripts, the journal’s readers and the scientific community, the publishers of the journal, and the public as a whole. Prof. Vega will be balancing these activities with her continued teaching, research and dedication to Khalifa University.

Jade Sterling
News and Features Writer
18 November 2019