6G Research Center

Industrial Affiliates

KU 6G Research Center Industrial Affiliate Program

The KU 6G RC extends an invitation to industry leaders to become part of our new Industrial Affiliate Program. Positioned at the forefront of 6G research, our center is committed to shaping the future of wireless communication, and we invite companies to join us reshaping the landscape of 6G Research. This document outlines the key details and advantages of affiliating with our center.


Overview of the Program

Within the Industrial Affiliate Program, companies are expected to provide financial support to the KU 6GRC. In return, affiliates will enjoy several key benefits, including access to our cutting-edge research and engagements with our faculty, staff, and students. This interaction will present opportunities for technical collaboration and expertise exchange, creating a mutually beneficial environment.To maximize these mutual benefits, affiliated companies will actively participate in training the next generation of industry professionals. This will be accomplished by offering co-ops and full-time positions to our students. Affiliates will also play an important role in supporting major research proposals and endorsing/utilizing our research outcomes. This collaboration is expected to drive innovation and the real-world application of our findings.

Promotion of Industrial Affiliates

The promotion of Industrial Affiliates at the KU 6GRC is executed through various strategic initiatives and is designed to highlight the benefits of partnership between the research center and its affiliates. Below are key components of our promotion strategy:
Recruiting Days showcasing our industrial affiliates: The open days will feature posters and interactive displays that highlight collaborative projects and opportunities for student engagement. These days will also provide a platform for companies to connect directly with potential hires and introduce students to exciting career prospects within the affiliate organizations.
Conferences/Workshops and Seminars: 6GRC will organize conferences and/or workshops and seminars to provide the affiliates with opportunities to present their products, services, and achievements, and promote KU as leading in cutting-edge research and innovations.
Annual Board Meetings: Industrial Affiliates will be also invited to the annual board meetings to gain firsthand insights into the latest research and contributing their perspectives to shape our research agenda.

Values to Industrial Affiliates

Student Resume Database: Access to a comprehensive database of student resumes, allowing affiliates to identify and recruit top talent that aligns with their organizational needs.
Recruiting Days: Recruiting Days will serve as a dedicated platform for companies to seek and secure the most promising candidates for their workforce.

Publication Database: Affiliates gain access to a database of publications generated by the KU 6GRC, providing insights into the latest research trends and breakthroughs.
Exclusive Technical Collaboration and Expertise: Affiliates benefit from deep-dive technical collaboration sessions, allowing them to leverage the expertise of our researchers to address specific challenges or explore new opportunities.
Monthly Industrial Lectures: Exclusive monthly affiliate-only lectures delivered by leading researchers at the KU 6GRC, covering emerging topics, breakthroughs, and industry trends.

For inquiries, partnership opportunities, or further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.