Center for Cyber-Physical Systems


Dr. Hanane Lamaazi Wins Community Award at the WomenTech Global Awards 2021

13 Jan 2022

The WomenTech Global Awards is the biggest event that gathers women working in tech. This year, 1,712 candidates from 151 countries competed in 16 categories. 


Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Hanane Lamaazi of Khalifa University’s Center for Cyber-Physical Systems (C2PS) was one of the amazing women recognized at the WomenTech Global Awards 2021. The event was organized by the WomenTech Network, the world’s largest community for women in tech with more than 5,700 ambassadors worldwide. 


Dr. Lamaazi received the Gold Award in the category WomenTech Community Award (Public Vote) where she was voted #3 in the “Global Top 10 Community Award”, #3 in “Global Top 5 Unique Profile Engagement”, and top 2 in “Global Top 5 LinkedIn Engagement”. This award is in recognition of her outstanding contribution and engagement with the WomenTech Community. It also acknowledges her work and role as a valued scientific researcher in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), crowdsensing, and edge computing. 


The WomenTech Global Awards is held every year following the Women in Technology Conference, the flagship event of the WomenTech Network. The conference is considered the world’s largest for women in technology and the awards highlight and celebrate the contributions of women, minorities, and their allies working in the tech industry.  


Anna Radulovski, WomenTech Network CEO & Founder, said, “After the WomenTech Global Conference 2021, we received tons of positive feedback, many sharing about their hardships with uncertainty, job security, and work-life balance while working remotely and how the community inspired them to overcome them. We understand the value of recognizing small and major victories while simultaneously adjusting to a digital-first environment. This is why we wish to shine a light on accomplished and aspiring female tech leaders, as well as allies, who are working toward a more equitable and inclusive world.” 


Dr. Lamaazi is a distinguished and prolific researcher who has received international attention from the scientific community. She has on her credit more than 20 research articles in international journals and refereed conference proceedings. Her work has more than 400 citations on Google Scholar and more than 300 citations on Scopus, with an H-index of 10. Dr. Lamaazi has worked and co-authored papers with highly reputed scientists in the field of computer science and computer networks.  She provides exceptional support to new researchers for both Master’s and PhD students by offering her expertise in research and academic writing skills. She is also a reviewer for some of the top scientific journals namely, Ad Hoc, IEEE Sensors, IEEE Access, ComCom, ComNet, and IJCS. 


Her most recent article, published in the Future Generation Computer Systems journal, stems from a project she led at t KU’s Center for Cyber-Physical Systems. Her recent research is focused on deploying emerging technologies. In collaboration with her team, she proposed a new data-driven framework that integrates an engine for data assessment. The framework deploys smart mobile edges as decision-makers where the selection of workers, in a heterogeneous mobile crowdsensing (MCS) environment, is based on their outcomes and the requested task requirements.  


Regardless of the challenges in her personal and professional lives, Dr. Lamaazi’s mission is to help women and girls, especially in the tech community, harness their talent and intellectual prowess so they can positively affect their society. “Be deaf, blind, and keep silent to all the negativity around you. Work hard, write your own story in your own way, and let your success define the fighter you are. At the end, it’s earned, not given,” Dr. Lamaazi advised. 


To know more about the WomenTech Network, visit their website


Ara Maj Cruz
Creative Writer
13 January 2022