Center for Membranes and Advanced Water Technology


Water sample analysis

The ability to test the quality of water samples and characterize its contents is indispensable to determining the efficacy of membranes and process testing. CMAT hosts an extensive range of equipment that can analyze water samples to isolate and characterize both organic and inorganic contaminants. State-of-the-art tools are used to identify components even in miniscule quantities, that can help design membranes that adhere to the strictest of regulations for water quality. The identification of these chemicals is based on rigorous sampling techniques and standard protocols that are shared throughout CMAT by the expertise of its members. In addition to its own dedicated equipment, CMAT also has access to a vast catalogue of analysis tools and expertise held at the core labs of Khalifa University.


Some of the noteworthy equipment under this facility are:

  • Gas Chromatograph with FID Detector – GC-2014 Plus (Shimadzu, Japan): Separation of volatile or semi-volatile organic compounds such as CO, CO2, CH4 detection.
  • Particle Size Analyzer Model LA-950 (Horiba, Japan): For measurement of particle size distribution of dry powders, suspensions or emulsions.
  • Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (Shimadzu, Japan): Determination of total organic carbon in water.
  • Elemental Analyzer (CHNS) – EuroEA-3000 series (Eurovector, Italy): Determination of total nitrogen, Total carbon and total hydrogen, total sulfur of solid, membranes and liquid samples.
  • Ion Chromatography System – Thermo ICS 3000 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA): Analysis of anions and cations in aqueous solutions.
  • Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectrometer (Perkin Elmer, USA): Determination of chemical elements in water samples.
  • HPLC with Diode Array and Refractive Index Detector (Thermo Scientific, USA): Chromatographic analysis of biomolecules and amino acids.
  • Mercury Analyzer (Mercury Instruments, Germany): Determination of trace concentration of mercury in water.