Healthcare Engineering Innovation Center


Gait Analysis System

One of the key research activities done at HEIG is related to the analysis of human movement, both for rehabilitation purposes and for diagnosis and quantification of motor and postural conditions. Research in this area is made possible by the expertise of the team and by the availability of the following facilities:

  • First and second generation Strideway™ (Tekscan)® systems, modular pressure measurement platforms for human gait analysis.
  • Visualeye II®. Portable motion capture system with active markers, 0.5mm precision
  • Kistler force plates, Type 9286B. Multicomponent force plates for gait and balance analysis.
  • FLOAT rehabilitation system, a dynamic multidirectional overhead body weight support (BWS) system that supports patients with gait impairments in the training and rehabilitation of their natural locomotion. It allows patients after stroke, spinal cord or brain injuries, incomplete paraplegia or orthopedic patients to relearn walking and safely train in an unrestricted three-dimensional space.