مراكز البحث

مركز التكنولوجيا الحيوية

Research Excellence and Innovation: The center aims to fully utilize its state-of-the-art resources and expertise to pursue high quality research towards a healthier nation, region and world.

Scientific Integrity: The center aims to pursue all research activity whilst complying with the highest ethical standards.

Communication: The center aims to share all information and knowledge uncovered through its research activities towards the betterment of the health of humankind.

Diversity: The center embraces diversity as it is through the comparative analysis of different ethnic groups, races, genders, clinical subsets and demographic categories that new information and knowledge is uncovered.

Mission Vision Impacts

To improve our knowledge about diseases to enable clinicians to promote, protect and maintain the well-being of our families in our community.

To be a national and international leader in understanding the relationship between genetic and environmental factors that predispose populations of the Middle East, and more specifically the Emirati people, to disease.