Hybrid AC/DC Distribution Systems: Control, Protection, and Cyber Physical Security

Principal Investigator
Ehab El-Saadany
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Focus Area
Clean & Renewable Energy
Hybrid AC/DC Distribution Systems: Control, Protection, and Cyber Physical Security

The energy sector enters the era of smart grids where loads changed from AC to a mix of AC and DC. Accompanying these changes is the transformation of conventional AC distribution systems into hybrid AC/DC Active Distribution Systems (ADSs). These ADSs host distributed and renewable generation units, energy storage devices, load management controllers, and grid-automation devices.

This project aims to facilitate the seamless integration of hybrid AC/DC networks into existing ADSs through:

    1. Developing a planning methodology to identify the optimal layout and design of the hybrid AC/DC ADS.
    2. Developing innovative robust power management control techniques to facilitate seamless operation of hybrid AC/DC ADS.
    3. Developing a centralized protection system for AC/DC microgrids that is independent of system configuration.
    4. Developing a cyber-physical security model that is capable of integrating system dynamics and threat models within a unified framework.
Hybrid AC/DC Distribution Systems: Control, Protection, and Cyber Physical Security